The Whole Sad, Sordid Affair
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The Players
Since the John Bobbit Experience is essentially a "collective" (as opposed to a strict little band), a roster list can be complicated. For all intents and purposes, The JBE ALWAYS consists of the Good Dr., USUALLY consists of Jiddy D. Wiffle as well, and OFTEN consists of everyone else listed, plus the kitchen sink. Enjoy. Bask.

The Good Dr. is the laptop fuckerer, productionist, keyboardist, samplist, maestro, accordianer, beller and so forth. When you roll with the Good Doctor, every Wednesday is Fresh Wednesday.

Jiddy D. Wiffle plays guitar, bass, moons and stars, and drums. Co-productioner and fuckerist, primary dealer. When you role with Jiddy D., every Tuesday is Super Tuesday

D. Astronaut plays the spaceship guitar and drums a good bit. Rumor has it he can sing, but you won't be hearing it that much here.

Ryan "Jentle Jiant" Jakobs plays guitar and is yet another person you won't hear singing very much here.

Fuckin' Lavo ALSO plays guitar, and plans are in the works for *gasp* upright percussion. I wouldn't be surprised if he threw down on his eBay purchased Chinese Banjo, too. He'll probably figure out some way to sing on a song.

Innocent Steve Bretera is yet another guitarist who sings who won't be singing much here. He likes his licks hard and his lovers easy.




the picture above was not done by any of us, i cannot front. it is instead the work of a fantastic montreal graf artist who i've never met. respek